Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Waima S.A.L.T. II Course

Six more national SALT instructors were certified at the SALT Instructor Training Course in Port Moresby in November. We have now certified a total of thirty-seven SALT instructors; and these instructors have now trained 2,500 pastors and leaders in twenty-five SALT courses, ministering the Gospel to over 20,000 people in eighteen language groups in the Pacific!

This team left for the village to conduct the second Waima SALT course, which was conducted entirely in the Waima language by native Waima SALT Instructors!

Please pray for the 26 Waima pastors and leaders who He chose to attend the Waima SALT course.

Please pray for Korean Wycliffe Bible translators, Namsoo and Duckshin Kim, as they continue to minister to the Waima people.