Tabo SALT - March 2011
First of all, we would like to give all the glory to our Lord, Jesus Christ. To our prayer warriors, thank you so much for keeping in touch with us through your prayers, also to those who prayed with us while we were teaching God’s Word among the Tabo people.

The Holy Spirit touched the hearts of the participants during the first week of the course. Each morning, before the review session, we asked the Lord for His forgiveness and annointing on our lives and to receive Gods’ Word. Matthew 9:17.

In evaluating the SALT course:
many participants felt that this course gave them more confidence to stand in the presence of the people and share what they have learned.
Some said that The SALT course is just like a mirror, and they saw themselves through God’s Word and at the end they are set free to continue with their ministries.
During outreach programs the people had new messages and drama’s and were inspired by the Holy Spirit, so they asked for further teachings.
In fact, many people requested a SALT course annually. Therefore, the leaders asked for a SALT Instructors’ Training Course to train local teachers in how to run SALT courses by themselves.
Report prepared by Pastor Fred Igami.
Tabo SALT Team Leader
February 21 - March 6, 2011
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