Aiyugam SALT - February 2011

We praise God for the 54 graduates of the Valley Scripture Application and Leadership Training course. Thank You Holy Spirit for encouraging many people to intercede for this important training for Pastors and church leaders in the Aiyura Valley. The outreaches have been very successful, encouraging other valley people to check their walk with the LORD. Those students doing outreaches in multiple church gatherings have touched many lives.

“During the graduation the Holy Spirit gave me the idea of symbolizing the messages of 2 Tim 2:2 and Matthew 5 with candles:. The SALT Instructors, Orim and Tinkui and David and Carol, were lightning the candles of the teachers from the instructor course from last November, and all together they were lightning the candles of the others, while I was reading 1 Thess 2:13, 2 Tim 2:2 and Matth 5: be the SALT and the LIGHT of the world, so people may see your good deeds and glorify God. It was really powerful. We sang altogether with our candles: From the misty mountain peaks to the valleys, we are the Papua New Guinea, Gods people to spread the gospel.” - Marjan Sikkema, Certified SALT Instructor
Aiyugam SALT course
Ukarumpa, EHP, Papua New Guinea
January 31 - February 13, 2011
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